The following is a report from the November 1980 Newsletter describing the creation of the TARS and Feather Award:
At the October meeting, President N4WA appointed a committee to look into the question of an annual TARS award to its own choice of Ham of the Year who would be a member of TARS.
The committee met 7 Oct. at the Subway over a brew, a quorum of W4MLE and W4YVC being present, and decided to recommend:
That TARS should make an annual award, signified by a plaque, trophy or certificate, as may be decided later.
That the award should go to the club member who is determined to have done the most for the club in the preceeding year. The award would not go to the TARS member, necessarily, who did the most for some agency such as Red Cross or the March of Dimes. (let them make their own awards!)
The nominee should be chosen annually by an ad hoc committee, appointed by the president from among those members least likely to be in line for the award. The committee would select the winner from among nominees offered by other members as well as names they themselves may offer.
The award should be presented at the annual Christmas bash.
The president should appoint an ad hoc nominating committee at the October or November meeting, if the club approves the award idea.
(Chairman’s postscript. Should we call the award “TARS and Feathers?”)
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